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RF Summer Internship: Now Enrolling

Over the years, we have had informal internships for people who have come to us looking to step into the field. This year we would like to step it up a bit and run our inaugural RF Summer Internship.

This program is for men and women who would like to step into the fitness field and receive mentorship on working as a professional.

The internship is an unpaid 10-week program that starts on May 28th and ends on July 30th. During that time we will work on 3 main emphases.

  1. Introduction: RF Philosophy

  2. Application: The Methods

  3. Practice: Training

We ask that any applicant be 18 years of age or older, hold a CPR and First Aid certification, and have a personal training certification.

If you would like to be considered for this, please fill out the application here:

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